Pastor John Taylor writes:
…I was born in the town of Cookstown and was brought up in a good home with three sisters and two brothers. Although my parents were not believers at that time, we were faithfully sent out to Sunday School and church but I never responded to the Good News of the Gospel.
A few years after getting married to my wife Christine, tragedy came into our home when our first child died. God graciously spoke to us through those tragic circumstances and we both put our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ in 1981. Later He called us into full-time service, so I trained at the Irish Baptist college, and we have been engaged in pastoral ministry for many years now. We have also served for a number of years with the Slavic Gospel Association, in Eastern and Central Europe and Central Asia!
Christine and I have two children and four grandchildren who are all precious to us! God has blessed us far more than we could ever have imagined and we feel humbled and privileged to be involved as co-labourers together with Him! We are so blessed to be engaged in the work at Banbridge Baptist Church and we always look unto the Lord for His blessing upon us!